Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Tips to control and eliminate blackheads

This may possibly be a catch faced by all litter man, namely blackheads. I'll perform roughly tips on how to remove blackheads, but fundamental it helps if we know what's blackheads. Blackheads are dirt plug these pores are small, black or white. With blackheads, smooth look toward look foul and dull. Blackheads conclusion accumulation of overload grease (sebum) and lifeless skin cells. When cleaning the look toward, blackheads blackheads often terabaikan.Ada two types:
1. Blackhead (open comedo), looks like the pores are enlarged and blackened. Blackheads are blackish in color due to rust by air.
2. Whiteheads (closed comedones), was behind the cuticle layer of the closed dirt and grease, looks like a small lump under the skin. Typically, blackheads appear in T area (forehead, nose, and chin), plus under the eyes and cheeks. Do not remove blackheads how to squeeze, as it really would stimulate a festering spot with the purpose of will pester the condition of the look toward, can even cause an infection. Voguish order used for blackheads disappear:
1. Know your skin type. Typically, blackheads certainly appear on slippery skin. By identifying the skin type, you can more certainly want the appropriate facial sterilizer products.
2. Choose the appropriate sterilizer, which can formulate the skin really clean, fresh, and rubbery. Give tolerance a month to test the effectiveness of the cleaners you exploit.
3. Choose a moisturizer with the purpose of is appropriate. For standard and slippery skin, exploit grease free of charge moisturizer. Actually, the body has a natural orderliness with the purpose of can order skin wetness.
4. Avoid comedogenic products. Other products with the purpose of can cause blackheads is a purification milk, sunscreen, foundation, hard-pressed powder, made from ginseng shampoo and conditioner. Keep in mind, hard-pressed powder is a creation with the purpose of contains the nearly all high-comedogenic substances. Use compact too long not simply leadership to blackheads, but plus bad skin.
5. Living healthy and well nourished. Enough have a lie-down and time-out, take avoiding action stress. This may possibly sound corny, but try to apply this tradition, and find out the results.
6. Facial be individual way to eliminate blackheads completely and accurately. Perform regular facials and in the same way as the menstrual epoch. This is to take avoiding action the occurrence of changes in hormones and glands sebasia at some stage in menstruation, which emit grease more effective.
7. Limit consumption of chocolate, milk chocolate, durian, peanuts, eggs, nuts, cheese, avocado, ripe mango, shellfish, cream powder, all kinds of milk (full cream, low or non fat), fried foods, coconut milk, and greasy meats.
8. If not hang on and wanted to become away, in the past few minutes go off to a dermatologist. Typically, doctors will urge used for facials and perform assured medications. If komedonya very much, doctors will exploit laser know-how assistance.
Lift blackheads tips:
1. Use egg whites * Take a little egg white, place in a container, shake until bubbly. Spread around the nose or the look toward of blackheads. Cover with paper towels. Allow to dry completely. Remove the tissue unhurriedly. On the inside of a tissue, will be seen bad skin blackheads are raised.
2. Scrub vegetables and nuts mask * Blender kailan a leaf, a portion of celery, ¼ apples, diverse with lemon juice. Rub and massage the look toward gently with a vegetable brush, at that time dye. * Steam your look toward with piquant fill with tears which has been set 1 tablespoon of salt. Allow 10 minutes. Salt fill with tears steam will ajar pores, capillaries expand blood vessels under the skin and smoothen peredarah blood to the skin. * Mix the soy bean juice and peas, exploit as a mask, assent to withstand 30 minutes, dye. Use several period.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

my home vilage

Sabang is the main town on this island, about an hour's ferry ride from Banda Aceh. The island is very relaxed and offers swimming, snorkelling and diving.

The island is also called "Pulau Weh" or "Weh island".

Sunday, August 16, 2009

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12 Alasan menggunakan Smadav
1). Teknologi SmaRTP, SmaRT-Protection
- Proteksi paling ringan di dunia, tercepat
dan paling sedikit memakai resource komputer.
- tidak hanya bergantung pada banyaknya database/signature,
tapi juga mempunyai kepintaran (algoritma cerdas) yang bisa
memproteksi komputer dari virus baru sekalipun.
- deteksi otomatis flashdisk seketika setelah dicolok di komputer.
- deteksi otomatis ketika ada virus saat Anda sedang meng-explore folder
- dapat digabungkan sempurna dengan proteksi semua produk antivirus manapun.
- mendukung semua OS Windows XP & Vista
2). Scanner pintar
- teknologi scanner antivirus tercepat didunia hanya ada di Smadav,
paling sedikit memakai resource komputer.
- banyak metode heuristik untuk pendeteksian virus baru
dan belum ada di database
- database virus terlengkap di Indonesia karena mempunyai database
yang digabungkan metode pintar pendeteksian virus
- ada fitur "1 virus by user" dan pendeteksian
tingkat keamanan sistem komputer "risk value"
- mendukung semua OS Windows XP & Vista
3). Cleaner
- hanya menghapus file virus dan tidak pernah menghapus dokumen
- dokumen terinfeksi akan di-clean dan dikembalikan seperti semula
- otomatis mengkarantina dokumen yang belum bisa di-clean, tidak menghapusnya
- mendukung semua OS Windows XP & Vista

4). Pembersihan & perbaikan Registry
- lebih dari 1000 value registry akan di-scan dan dibersihkan oleh Smadav
- dapat berfungsi sebagai perbaikan registry,
performa komputer akan jadi lebih bagus dan cepat
- mendukung semua OS Windows XP & Vista
5). Update
- Smadav terus mengikuti perkembangan virus yang menyebarluas di Indonesia
- Smadav akan terus direvisi secara berkelanjutan
dalam periode berubah-ubah tergantung pada perkembangan virus
- revisi Smadav akan selalu dirilis setiap 1,2,3, atau 4 minggu sekali.
- Tanpa di-update pun Smadav sudah sangat pintar untuk mandiri mengenali virus
- Anda dapat memantau Update Smadav di
6). Senjata Manual sangat mudah digunakan
- 1 Virus by User, selidiki file mana yang membuat
komputer Anda aneh, kemudian basmi dengan smadav.
- Process Manager, memonitor dan dapat memanipulasi semua proses di memori
- System Editor, ubah setting-setting rahasia dan penting di windows
7). Gratis
- Anda tidak perlu membayar sedikit pun untuk menggunakan Smadav sepenuhnya
- hanya ada iklan/ads/banner di situs dan program Smadav
untuk menutupi biaya pengembangan Smadav & hosting situs
- Anda dapat menjadi donatur untuk mendukung
pengembangan teknologi antivirus di Indonesia
8). Team Smadav adalah team professional
- Founder/Programmer adalah seorang Mahasiswa di salah satu Universitas
unggulan di Indonesia dan Freelancer (pekerja jarak jauh) berpengalaman
di perusahaan Freelance & Programming terbaik di US, dengan rating 9,75/10
dan telah menyelesaikan lebih dari 50 proyek pemrograman/software.
- Admin Web adalah seorang web-master professional dan berpengalaman
dalam pengembangan situs dan forum berbasis CMS
- Team Smadav adalah team antivirus terhandal dan kumpulan sukarelawan Indonesia
- mempunyai 4 divisi webmaster, MoMod (Forum Moderator),
viser (virus researcher), dan Deigner.
- dengan serius, Team Smadav hanya bertujuan mempraktekkan ilmu
dan memajukan teknologi, sama sekali tidak bertujuan mencari keuntungan
9). Portable dan support semua OS Windows
- tidak perlu diinstall
- hanya satu file .exe dengan ukuran sangat kecil
- tidak selalu di harddisk, dapat ditaruh
di flashdisk, CD/DVD, atau removable media lainnya.
- mendukung semua OS Windows XP & Vista untuk semua fitur
yang ada di Smadav (Scanner, SmaRTP, Registry-Cleaner, dll.)
10). Situs antivirus terbaik dan terlengkap
- Situs yang ringan, cepat, dan indah di
- Upload virus sangat mudah dan cepat di
- Ada Forum antivirus untuk diskusi dan minta bantuan
- Ada tempat chatting di Smad-Chat
- Situs sebagai informasi virus dan antivirus di Indonesia terkini
11). Smad-Lock
- Proteksi Smadav akan mengunci Flashdisk Anda otomatis
- Hampir tidak mungkin virus bisa menginfeksi Flashdisk Anda lagi
12). Fitur Rahasia?
- Untuk revisi berikutnya, Team Smadav sudah menyiapkan
banyak fitur rahasia yang luar biasa
- Fitur-fitur rahasia ini sangat luar biasa, baru,
dan akan mengejutkan Indonesia khususnya Smadavers (User Smadav)
- Programmer sedang mengembangkan fitur ini,
dan jika sudah sempurna akan segera dirilis
- Apa fitur-fitur rahasia tersebut?
karena rahasia jadi tunggu saja saatnya nanti ...

Friday, August 14, 2009

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